Online Inclusive Yoga



Frauke Schroth

Online Inclusive Yoga

My Saturday class is one which I truly revere the most. A few years ago, me and my family would meet up every Saturday morning to do online inclusive yoga together. It has become a bit of a ritual, a bonding flow of sorts as well.


Online Inclusive Yoga: special physical needs

We all like to move our bodies and yet there are a few special physical needs: My sister has had spasticity since she was born, my dad is 70 – very fit and yet not the typical yogi (if there such a yogi), my mom got diagnosed with dementia 1,5 years ago and had difficulty maintaining her concentration. And yet we had so much joy and and felt so much connection in our sessions. My mom has already left us and is now energetically there in our Saturday session.


Online Inclusive Yoga: every Saturday via zoom

This thought and idea was been warmly sitting in my mind and I would now like to open this class to you or your loved ones, to people with physical limitations – both age and conditional related, even people with special needs who would like to practice yoga that is accessible, attainable and open.

I look forward to practicing with you*


Online Inclusive Yoga: what you need

You don’t need new props, you don’t need special clothing, all you need is an open mind and an open heart. Oh! also your inner ability to be curious and playful. Our aim is to simplify the flow. We use walls, sometimes a chair as a yoga mat, often pillows and the floor or even your favourite comforting blanket as the yoga mat. This class is more than asanas, it’s about getting into a state of connection regardless of the body, which is primarily about breathing, mindfulness, feeling and trying things out. We practice very easy asanas in a variety of forms which are often very simplified and accessible to every body regardless of their age or physical limitations – simple mobilisation of the joints, easy breathing exercises, sometimes relaxation exercises or short meditations.

To illustrate some examples – Cat Cow, a spinal mobilisation, is often practiced on hands and knees, but it can also be practiced on a chair, standing, or against a wall. The Half Sun Salutation can also be done wonderfully while sitting. All of these possibilities invite a lot of creativity. And that’s what I love about this class. We learn from each other, with openness, curiosity and mental flexibility.

If you are curious, please drop in or pass the information on to elderly people or people with disabilities who might be curious and are looking to enriching their lives with movement.


Online Inclusive Yoga: prices


Saturday 10:30 – 11:30 Berlin Zeit via Zoom.

10€ regular
8€ reduced (students/people with tight income)

If the reduces price is not doable for you at the moment, and you feel the call to join the classes, please write to me to inquire about further discounts.

Feel free to write to me if you have any questions or suggestions.

Come and join in!
I’m looking forward to having you in class.




I have never done yoga before, can I still join in?
Yes absolutely. The exercises are simple and are great if you have no experience with yoga.

I don’t have any yoga equipment, what now?
The exercises take place while sitting, standing or lying down, depending on your abilities. The most important thing is that you have something to sit on, a chair, a bed/sofa space, or a cushion on the floor. There are standing, lying and sitting variantions for each exercise, so you can choose what suits your body best.

I don’t have time on Saturday, can you record the session?
In this class I would like to learn from you and be in direct contact with your possibilities and needs. That’s why this session only takes place live.

If you have any further questions about online inclusive yoga, please write to me.

Do you want to participate?

book your place here