Online Yin Yoga



Frauke Schroth


Online Yin Yoga

Do you feel like rest, relaxation, slowing down, letting go, just being without much to do?
Then online Yin Yoga is just the right thing for you.

Yin Yoga is slow, almost still and has a cooling, releasing and liberating effect.
Yin Yoga is the counterpart to Yang Yoga.
Yang is dynamic and has a warming, stabilizing and strengthening effect.

On a physical level, Yin Yoga particularly stresses (in a good way) the connective tissue, unlike dynamic yoga styles that focus on training muscles. Muscles can be activated by repetitive, fast and strenuous movements. Connective tissue, on the other hand, is stimulated by relaxing the muscles and holding postures for a long time. The power of the yin lies primarily in time, not in effort.

Ideally, you know ways and exercises to keep your connective tissue and muscles healthy. The balance creates the effectiveness. A balance of yin and yang. Activation and relaxation. Of control and letting go.

My path to Yin was slow and not voluntary.
Injuries made me slowing down.
I loved fast pace and hustle and bustle, especially because I didn’t know anything else.
I first had to practice how to invite relaxation and time into my life. Yin Yoga supported me in this. It helped me cultivate an inner attitude of patience, observation, curiosity and mindfulness. Especially today, an attitude that comes from within is so important to balance out, constantly wanting change and development on the outside.

Do you wish to rediscover your body in peace and quiet?
Or do you just want to slow down and relax?

Then please join in!


Online Yin Yoga – what you need

Yin Yoga is most effective when your muscles can relax.
So-called yoga props often work wonders in relaxation and support your muscles in letting go. The props are not an urgent must, but they create more possibilities and more comfort. If you have the following at home, I recommend having it handy for my online Yin classes:

1-2 (woollen) blankets
1 yoga bolster or 1-2 (longer) pillows
2 yoga blocks or additional pillows
1 yoga strap


Online Yin Yoga – how it works


My Yin classes are slow and calm, often with only 5-8 postures in 60 minutes.
In each pose I remind you of the following four stages:
1. find your sweet spot
2. diving in and letting go
3. find out again and feel
4. allow movement

Through these four stages, Yin Yoga becomes very internal. Finding your way into your posture, as well as feeling it afterwards, is empowering, healing and also quite interesting. After all, it is your body, your individuality, your sensitivity and intuition that shows you the way into the posture and out again. In contrast to flowing, dynamic yang-oriented yoga styles, which often follow only one alignment principle, in yin yoga you have all the freedom that your body and being gives you to find out for yourself and to decide what feels right.


Online Yin Yoga – how it works

In each pose I remind you of the following four stages:
1. find your sweet spot
2. diving in and letting go
3. find out again and feel
4. allow movement

Through these four stages, Yin Yoga becomes very internal. Finding your way into your posture, as well as feeling it afterwards, is empowering, healing and also quite interesting. After all, it is your body, your individuality, your sensitivity and intuition that shows you the way into the posture and out again. In contrast to flowing, dynamic yang-oriented yoga styles, which often follow only one alignment principle, in yin yoga you have all the freedom that your body and being gives you to find out for yourself and to decide what feels right.


Yin Yoga & Restorative Yoga – the difference

In my online Yin Yoga classes, I often incorporate elements from Restorative Yoga. In Restorative Yoga, the main focus is on calming the nervous system. It’s less about experiencing stretching sensations and more about feeling supported and held to relax. Relaxation is often and wrongly underestimated or misunderstood in our meritocracy.

Our nervous system is designed for a state of calm. When we’re constantly charged, we’re tapping into reserves that we have available in case of an emergency. These reserves set all the levers in motion so that we can run very quickly or flee or defend ourselves when we are in danger, for example. However, if we constantly tap into these reserves, it can create unhealthy stress… De-stressing the body often takes time. It took me a long time to even understand how much stress is in my body. And I didn’t know how to relax. To my delight, today I love the moments of calm that I create very consciously for myself.

We humans are very different. The nervous systems are also very different from person to person. One nervous system needs more rest, the other more activation. However, studies are increasingly showing how important relaxation is for our health: general well-being, digestion, sleep, focus and concentration, state of mind, all of these can be improved by moments of rest.


It’s all about the balance.

Our optimal state is balanced: we know how and when to activate and how and when to relax. If you are curious about this balance, then join my online classes, Yin or Vinyasa.

For relaxation
My online Yin Yoga classes:
Every Thursday 8-9 German time via Zoom.

For activation

My online Vinyasa classes:
Every 1st Saturday of the month. 9:00 – 10:00 German time. Via Zoom.
Recording is included and 4 weeks available.

Both classes are recorded.
Only I can be seen on the recordings, never a participant. If you can’t be there live, I’ll be happy to send you the recording.

For Diversity & Inclusion
simple & unique. Yoga for people with special needs.
If you or your loved ones have special needs, perhaps due to age, disability, shape or overly firm or soft tissue, and you would like to practice yoga that is accessible and inclusive, please join us!
simple & unique. Online inclusive yoga. Saturday. 10:30-11:30 German time. Via Zoom.

10€ regular
8€ reduced (for students/people with tight income)

If the reduces price is not doable for you at the moment, and you feel the call to join the classes, please write to me to inquire about further discounts.

Come and join in!
I’m looking forward to having you in my online yoga classes.

If you have any questions related online yin yoga, please reach out.

Do you want to participate?

book your place here